The learning tools necessary to prepare the next generation of students must be shaped by the socio-economic needs of the 21st century.
I . I N T R O D U C T I O NTechnology and science in the 19th and early 20th centuries were largely about the industrialization of electromechanical (physical) systems like the steam engine and the utility grid. The latter half of the 20th century has been about information (cyber) systems and the Internet. The 21st century will be about the integration of these two, namely cyber-physical systems (CPS).The 19th century and early 20th century -or the machine age -led to authoritative contributions in the fundamentals of physical systems. A wealth of knowledge was created, and chronicled with great depth, in books on subjects such as physics, chemistry, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, structural dynamics, energy technologies, power generation, etc.In the latter half of the 20th century, termed herein the cyber age, the rise of the Internet led to the proliferation of access devices such as e-readers and a correspondingly large pool of distributed information readily available on the Internet. Often, the information created by a wide range of contributors lacked corroboration and 1 HP Labs, Palo Alto, California, USA 2 Huawei Technologies, Santa Clara, California, USA 3 HP Inc., San Diego, California, USA 4 HP Labs, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA * This work was done when the author was with HP Labs.Corresponding author: Y. Lei Email: verification. Regardless, a profound change occurred in the ways in which we consumed information to meet our learning needs. Schools provided their students with tablets and encouraged the online search of information and use of e-books. Printed books were literally considered a physical burden. The 21st century needs -driven by social, economic and ecological "megatrends" -are cyber-physical. In light of resource constraints, there is a need to maximize the utilization and improve the efficiency of conventional physical systems such as oil refineries, power plants, power distribution systems, city scale infrastructure, transportation infrastructure, etc. New civil infrastructure such as roads and bridges needs to be built given the increase on demand resulting from the long-standing increase in population and rapid urbanization. Resource constraints are motivating the need for novel methods in energy sourcing and consumption in order to reduce the energy used across the lifetime of products. This is the notion of "least lifetime Joules products". Such sustainability considerations require great depth of knowledge of physical fundamentals, and of information management and analysis techniques.
Printed Books serve as Indelible Metadata of Important InformationThe rise of 21st century CPS requires students to have an indepth understanding of the physical fundamentals and of information systems. In that vein, the learning has to follow suit as well.Routinely accessing Internet-based information using information technology de...