Recepción: 30 de junio de 2016 Fecha de aceptación definitiva: 12 de enero de 2017 Resumen: En varios países, se han desarrollado programas de inclusión educativa en la universidad para personas con discapacidad intelectual. En España, varias iniciativas tratan de impulsar la inclusión en el ámbito universitario. En este artículo, se presenta la primera de ellas, el Programa Promentor (UAM-PRODIS). Se realiza una descripción de los resultados de investigación más significativos. La experiencia del Programa Promentor demuestra que la inclusión de personas con discapacidad intelectual en la universidad es posible y deseable, tanto para las propias personas que tienen la oportunidad como para la universidad y el mundo laboral.PalabRas clave: Programa Promentor; inclusión; discapacidad intelectual; educación; educación universitaria; atención a la diversidad.abstRact: In a number of countries, a diversity of inclusive educational programmes have been developed at universities for people with intellectual disabilities. In Spain, -28 -several initiatives are under way at various universities to address this situation. In this article, we present the first of these, the Promentor Program (UAM-PRODIS). A description of the most significant research results are given herein. The Promentor Program experience shows that the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities at university level is both possible and desirable, both for the individuals themselves and for the university and business community.KeywoRds: Promentor Program; inclusion; intellectual disability; education; university education; attention to diversity.
IntroductionF ully democRatIc socIetIes aRe cHaRacteRIzed by the active participation of each and every one of their citizens. This demands that society must address the question of whether every person, regardless of their personal characteristics, disability, origin, culture, beliefs, etc., shall have equal opportunities to access the various social environments. Therefore, the concept of inclusion is inherent to democratic society.In the educational environment, the right to be included and to participate in building a better society translates into developing institutions that are open to students in all their diversity, and into understanding this diversity as an opportunity for social enrichment. We agree with M. A. Casanova (2009), in that the consolidation of a democratic and plural society will only be possible through the impulse of educational inclusion.Aware that inclusion is no longer a guiding principle but has become a fundamental right (Echeita and Ainscow, 2010), in recent years university institutions have developed inclusion policies and practices for people with intellectual disabilities (onwards PWID). The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) defines the context in which students with disabilities access to university should be promoted. As an example, the Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación [National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation], in ...