In this note we consider ternary trees naturally embedded in the plane in a deterministic way such that the root has position zero, or in other words label zero, and the children of a node with position j have positions j − 1, j, and j + 1, for all j ∈ Z. We derive the generating function of ternary trees where all nodes have labels which are less or equal than j, with j ∈ N, which generalizes a result of [9] and [6], and the generating function of ternary trees counted with respect to nodes with label j, with j ∈ Z. Moreover, we discuss generalizations of the counting problem to several labels at the same time. Furthermore, we use generating functions to study the depths of the external node s, or in other words leaf s with 0 ≤ s ≤ 2n, where the 2n + 1 external nodes of a ternary tree are numbered from the left to the right according to an inorder traveral. The three different types depths -left, right and center -are due to the embedding of the ternary tree in the plane. Finally, we discuss generalizations of the considered enumeration problems to embedded d-ary trees.