Halogenated natural products (MHC-1, TriBHD, TetraBHD, MeO-PBDEs, Q1, and related PMBPs) and halogenated flame retardants (PBDEs, HBB, Dec 602, Dec 603, and DP) in blubber and brain are reported from five Alboran Sea delphinids (Spain). Both HNPs and HFRs were detected in brain, implying that they are able to surpass the blood-brain barrier and reach the brain, which represents a new finding for some compounds, such as Q1 and PMBPs, MHC-1, TriBHD, TetraBHD, or Dec 603. Moreover, some compounds (TetraBHD, BDE-153, or HBB) presented higher levels in brain than in blubber. This study evidence the high concentrations of HNPs in the marine environment, especially in top predators. It shows the importance of further monitoring these natural compounds and evaluating their potential toxicity, when most studies focus on anthropogenic compounds only. While no bioaccumulation was found for ∑HNPs, ∑HFRs increased significantly with body size for both common and striped dolphins. Studies evaluating BBB permeation mechanisms of these compounds together with their potential neurotoxic effects in dolphins are recommended.