“…According to Lestari & Trihadiningrum (2019), the law regulates waste management that should be conducted by the government and the community without exception in the higher education environment. Furthermore, it regulates the implementation of waste management maintenance, such as the reduction and handling policies that involve the government and the community in realizing a good and healthy living environment (Purba and Erliyana, 2020). Particularly, the government cooperates with related institutions for the implementation of waste management in the community (Zurbrugg, 2002), the Adwiyata program from the ministry of the environment (Nurwidodo et al, 2020;Prabawa-Sear, 2018;Tanu and Parker, 2018;Yusuf et al, 2020) and a collaborative program between the ministry of research and higher education in the context of sustainable development (Ikhsan et al, 2019;Nomura, 2009;Novawan and Aisyiyah, 2020;Prihantoro, 2014).…”