With such a large range of people eligible to refer patients, it is easy to envisage unforeseen problems being presented that go far beyond the abilities of a single link worker to solve. There is little in the social prescribing guidance about the necessary skills and training for link workers; the only common requirement is that they should have extensive local knowledge.Third, what back-up is available for social prescribers? At present, there is a good internal network proposed for social-prescribing link workers, with regular meetings, supervision from more senior staff, and informative events with outside speakers. But is this enough, particularly when there is going to be no filter on referrals, and there is likely to be an increase in the number of severe problems referred. The amount of feedback between link workers and referrers also needs to be tightened up, because at some point the volume of referrals will have to be constrained.So much needs to be done before social prescribing can be embraced with confidence in mental health. Meeting this need could be aided by greater contact with psychiatric professionals, who have already introduced environmental interventions for more serious mental illness. [8][9][10] These interventions could have relevance not only for mental illness, but also for social care, especially at a time when effective low-cost interventions are sorely needed.PT is the Chairperson and JB is a Trustee of NIDUS-UK, a charity that helps to promote environmental changes in persistent mental illness but which does not do social prescribing.