We studied the mathematical model of interaction with water VITA intense of LavaVitae company (Austria). In this report are submitted data about the interaction of VITA intense with water, obtained by non-equilibrium (NES) and differential-equilibrium energy spectrum (DNES) of water. The average energy (∆EH... O) of hydrogen Н…O-bonds among individual molecules H2O after treatment of VITA intense with water measured by NES-and DNES-methods is ∆E=-0.0136±0.0011 eV for VITA intense. This result suggests the restructuring of ∆EH... O values among H2O molecules with a statistically reliable increase of local extremums in DNES-spectra. The research is performed for VITA intense, with study of pH and oxidative reduction potential (ORP). There is review of the effects of the chemical composition of VITA intense -antiinflammatory, antioxidant etc. With methods NES we show the following effects -relaxing effect of nervous system, anti-inflammatory and inhibition of tumor cells. As results of these effects VITA intense has anti aging influence. The base of this influence is anti-inflammatory effect. This article deals with the review of the basic biophysical-biochemical and biological processes underlying the VITA intense. The author is studying their physical-chemical properties and biophysical and biological effects on human organism. Additionally, by using IR, NES, and DNES methods are investigated various samples of water from Bulgarian water springs: the melt water from Glacier Rosenlaui, Swiss Alps, as well as the human blood serum of people with excellent health and cancer patients between 50 and 70 years old. Other experiments were performed on a 1 % (v/v) solution of VITA intense in deionized water. As an estimation factor in NES and DNES was measured the values of the average energy of hydrogen bonds (∆EH...O) among H2O molecules in water samples, as well as a local extremums in the NES and DNES-spectra of various samples of water and the human blood serum at E = -0.1387 eV and λ = 8.95 μm. For a group of people in critical condition of life and patients with malignant tumors the greatest values of local extremums in IR-, DNESspectra were shifted to lower energies relative to the control healthy group. Further we applied this method for calculation of percent distribution of H2O molecules in all studied water samples according to energies of hydrogen bonds ranged from (-0.08 to -0.1387 eV). It was shown that mountain water is among the most important factors for human longevity and human health. The variety of ions (K + , Na + , Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ , Mn 2+ , Fe 2+ , Fe 3+ , Zn 2+ , SO4 2-, Cl -, HCO3 -, CO3 2-), the chemical-physical parameters (pH, electroconductivity) and the decreased content of deuterium in studied water samples renders beneficial effects of these types of water on human health. We are applying the conclusions for the effects of mountain water on human health and longevity as base * Corresponding author E-mail addresses: mbioph@abv.bg (I. Ignatov) European Journal of Medicine, 2018, 6(1) ...