We discuss flavor charges and states for interacting mixed neutrinos in QFT. We show that the Pontecorvo states are not eigenstates of the flavor charges. This implies that their use in describing the flavor neutrinos produces a violation of lepton charge conservation in the production/detection vertices. The flavor states defined as eigenstates of the flavor charges give the correct representation of mixed neutrinos in charged current weak interaction processes.In this report we analyze the definition of the flavor charges in the canonical formalism for interacting (Dirac) neutrinos with mixing. On this basis, we study the flavor states for mixed neutrinos in the QFT formalism [1]- [7] and in the Pontecorvo formalism [8]- [11]. We show that Pontecorvo mixed states are not eigenstates of the neutrino flavor charges and we estimate how much the leptonic charge is violated on these states.A realistic description of flavor neutrinos starts by taking into account the (charged current) weak interaction processes in which they are created, together with their charged lepton counterparts. In the Standard Model, flavor is strictly conserved in the production and detection vertices of such interactions. The flavor violations are due only to loop corrections and are thus expected to be extremely small [12]. Therefore, we define the flavor neutrino states as eigenstates of flavor charges. This is obtained in a QFT treatment where the flavor charges are defined in the usual way from the symmetry properties of the neutrino Lagrangian.Here we consider the decay process W + → e + + ν e and we study the case where the neutrino mixing is present. We consider for simplicity the case of two generations. After spontaneous symmetry breaking, the relevant terms of the Lagrangian density for charged current weak inter-includes the neutrino non-diagonal mass matrix M ν and the mass matrix of charged leptons M l :L int is the interaction Lagrangian given by [13]