“…Since previous reviews [2,3], Leptotrichia species have been reported in >124 cases [4,7,16,18–69,87–93], whereby 30 cases involved L. buccalis [4,8,15,21,34,52,56,70–79,87], 24 cases L. wadei [4,20,24,34,37,42,48,56,67,80,81,90,93], 16 cases L. trevisanii [4,5,9,10,13,14,17,37,87], 14 cases L. hofstadii [34,40,49,56,81–84,93], 10 cases L. goodfellowii [4,11,12,21,56,74,85,87], eight cases L. hongkongensis [4,6,18,45,47,56], and five L. shahii [34,56,86]. L. trevisanii and L. wadei bacteremia are extremely rare; clinicians should consider these species in cases involving immunocompromised patients with oral lesions [4,5,13,17,87]. The aim of the present review is to update the knowledge on the genus Leptotrichia as given in previous reports, adding information published after 2008 [2,3].…”