The article presents the State of Knowledge that sought to map the studies on collective spaces and time of literary reading in Early Childhood Education, for this purpose we performed the cut between the years 2008 to 2019, totaling 11 years of searches in three databases: Associação Nacional de Pesquisadores em Educação (ANPEd), Scientific Electronic Libray Online (Scielo) and Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD). The works raised are linked to the theme of greater research that investigates the collective spaces and times of literary reading in Early Childhood Education Institutions in Florianópolis (SC). We believe that surveys like this collaborate to understand what has been studied in the area and allows the expansion of a systematic repertoire on the studies in question.Although little research was found when referring to literature in EarlyChildhood Education, there has been an increase in these studies in recent years, which show young children as readers.