The issue of teacher training for the three school cycles was raised in this research. This is part of a diagnostic perspective of discomfort likely to affect the training curriculum in place at regional centers of education and training (CRMEF) in Morocco. Such discomfort would inevitably have negative repercussions on the performance of teacher training or even the education system as a whole. We are committed to making suggestions regarding potential remedies. The theoretical part of this research focused on the professionalization of the teacher's profession in its close relationship with a foundation of professional skills to be developed among future teachers. We have cited definitions developed by certain authors (Bourdoncle, 1991), (Lang, 1999), (Maubant and Roger, 2012), (Wittorski, 2008) which illustrate the concept of professionalism in the field of education. The practical part involved the strategy of answering the fundamental questions inherent in the training of future teachers, in search of possible solutions. Our research is indeed motivated by our keen desire to contribute to the development of a new training curriculum. But to do this, it is imperative to:
• Return to the experiences, innovations and approaches formerly adopted by the Moroccan education system, in particular after the advent of the national charter for education and training.
• Capitalize on previous national experiences relating to training, keep its benefits and adapt it to innovations in terms of professionalism.
• Open up to benchmark experiences and modern international educational orientations.
• Work according to a new regime which aims to promote the teaching practice so that pedagogical action is exclusively centered on the learner.
This research is also part of our commitment to carry out our sincere intention, that of making our contribution, humble as it is, to promote the quality of training of future teachers, which is the sine qua non of professionalizing and making profit. learning in our schools. Indeed, it is the good intentions combined with the actions that are likely to generate the expected results.