In this numerical study particle behavior inside a sinusoidal pipe geometry is analyzed. The 3D geometry consists of three identical modules, with a periodic boundary condition applied to the flow in the stream wise direction. The incompressible, turbulent gas flow is modeled using a Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach. Furthermore, the particle dynamics are simulated using a Lagrangian point force approach incorporating the Stokes drag and slip correction factor. Four different sizes of particles, corresponding to a Stokes number less than unity, are considered along with two different inflow conditions: continuous and pulsatile. The pulsatile inflow has an associated flow frequency of 80 Hz. The fluid flow through the sinusoidal pipe is characterized by weak flow separation in the expansion zones of the sinusoidal pipe geometry, where induced shear layers and weak recirculation zones are identified. Particle behavior under the two inflow conditions is quantified using particle dispersion, particle residence time, and average radial position of the particle. No discernible difference in the particle behavior is observed between the two inflow conditions. As the observed recirculation zones are weak, the particles are not retained within the cavities for a long duration of time, thereby reducing their likelihood of agglomerating.