The advanced statistical techniques for qualitative and quantitative validation of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of turbulent flow within and above a two-dimensional street canyon are presented. Time-resolved data from 3D LES are compared with those obtained from time-resolved 2D Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements. We have extended a standard validation approach based solely on time-mean statistics by a novel approach based on analyses of the intermittent flow dynamics. While the standard Hit rate validation metric indicates not so good agreement between compared values of both the streamwise and vertical velocity within the canyon canopy, the Fourier, quadrant and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) analyses demonstrate very good LES prediction of highly energetic and characteristic features in the flow. Using the quadrant analysis, we demonstrated similarity between the model and the experiment with respect to the typical shape of intensive sweep and ejection events and their frequency of appearance. These findings indicate that although the mean values predicted by the LES do not meet the criteria of all the standard validation metrics, the dominant coherent structures are simulated well.For turbulent boundary-layer flow problems, the best data sources are field measurements. Unfortunately, field measurements are very rarely available and, as Schatzmann and Leitl [3] pointed out, the micro-meteorological flow found in field measurements exhibits much larger scatter than the data from a closely-controlled wind-tunnel experiment. Therefore, field data represent a greater challenge in terms of post-processing and preparation for a validation. Thus, the CFD results are often compared with those from wind-tunnel experiments [4][5][6][7][8][9]. That said, the CFD validations against data from street-canyon field experiments were performed as well (e.g., [10][11][12]).A validation procedure for atmospheric boundary layer dispersion or velocity distribution predictions by CFD was compiled within the frame of COST 732 [13][14][15], COST C14 [16] and AIJ Tominaga et al. [17]. These guidelines addressed various types of models including Gaussian models, and RANS and LES models. The latter, LES model, represents an affordable combination of direct simulation of large turbulent structures while modelling small unresolved scales by means of an embedded sub-grid model [18].Since common validation techniques target just the variables that are available from all the discussed models, only temporally-averaged values are usually retrieved for comparison. Illustrative applications of the validation of temporally-averaged values from LES against various experiments can be found in Jimenez and Moser [18]. The most suitable experimental data currently available are those obtained from Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurement techniques as they can provide multi-points time-resolved synchronised data. The use of PIV for the validations is, however, still rare [4,19,20]. Since there may be a lack of a sufficiently long ...