is a Professor of Sociology at Clemson University. She has over 20 years experience in project and program evaluation and has worked for a variety of consulting firms, non-profit agencies, and government organizations, including the Rand Corporation, the American Association of Retired Persons, the U.S. Department of Education, and the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. Since 2004, she been a member of the NSF-funded MIDFIELD research project on engineering education; she has served as a Co-PI on three research projects, including one on transfer students and another on student veterans in engineering.
Exploring Military Veteran Students' Pathways in Engineering EducationABSTRACT Military veterans hold tremendous promise for expanding and diversifying the engineering workforce. Yet, little is known regarding the educational pathways and experiences of student veterans into engineering. This project aims to address gaps in the literature on student veterans in engineering through a comparative case study across four institutions: