Objectives: The aim behind this study was to determine the prevalence of portalhypertensive gastropathy in cirrhotic patients undergoing upper gastrointestinal endoscopy at atertiary care hospital in Shaheed Benazeerabad. Study Design: Hospital based cross sectionalstudy. Setting: Medicine Department of People’s Medical University, Shaheed Benazeerabad.Period: Six months from 20th August 2014 to 21st February 2015. Material and Methods: Atotal of 115 patients presenting with variceal bleeding (having history of liver cirrhosis since>2 years) and who further was undergoing diagnostic Endoscopic gastrodudenoscopy wereenrolled in the study. All endoscopies were performed by the endoscopists using a GIFQ 160Gastroscope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) in the left lateral position. The presence or absenceof PH gastropathy (outcome variable) was noted at each endoscopy. SPSS version 17.0 wasused to analyze the collected data. Results: The average age of the patients was 39.98±11.02years and mean duration of liver cirrhosis was 4.62±1.5 years. There were 70 (60.87%) maleand 45 (39.13%) were female. Regarding socioeconomic status, most of the cases were inlower and middle class. Frequency of portal hypertensive gastropathy (PHG) in patients of livercirrhosis undergoing upper gastrointestinal endoscopy was observed in 60% (69/115) cases.Conclusion: The frequency of PHG was 60% in the studied group of cirrhotic patients. Thisconcludes that if in the liver cirrhosis patients early identification and appropriate therapeuticmeasures of PHG is taken the morbidity in these patients can be decreased.