Revisiting the Agile ManifestoThe agile principles for software engineering were developed as a reaction against structuring software engineering processes in strict stepwise and sequential ways. The idea that it was possible to create a clearly predefined scope prior to the actual software engineering activities was questioned-and the agile methodology was an attempt to rephrase the basic nature of software engineering. The agile understanding of software engineering is that the fundamental nature of software means that we cannot predetermine scope, goals, and objectives up front. Instead, goals, scope, and objectives are transformed throughout the software development process. This setup requires participants (developers and clients) to balance and negotiate resources and priorities, and this is what drives agile development. Agile development is not one thing but can instead be seen as a set of principles that guide the organization of work and can be implemented in different ways. The main principles provided by the agile manifesto ( are as follows:• Individuals and interaction over processes and tools • Working software over comprehensive documentation