Covalent organic frameworks, cross-linked crystalline polymers constructed from rigid organic precursors connected by covalent interactions, have emerged as a promising class of nanoporous materials owing to their highly desirable combination of attributes, including facile chemical tunability, structural diversity, and excellent stability. Despite the distinct advantages offered by three-dimensional covalent organic frameworks, research efforts have predominantly focused on the more synthetically-accessible, two-dimensional variants. Here we present an overview of synthetic approaches to yield three-dimensional covalent organic frameworks, identify synthetic obstacles that have hindered progress in the field and recently-employed methods to address them, and propose alternative techniques to circumvent these synthetic challenges. N anoporous materials have garnered tremendous interest in recent years owing to their specific and exceptional attributes, notably permanent porosity and large and accessible internal surface areas 1-5. Conventional nanoporous materials used commonly as adsorbents and heterogeneous catalysts and catalyst supports, such as zeolites and activated carbon, are based on inorganic building blocks; nevertheless, research interest in nanoporous materials bearing organic components has expanded rapidly 1,5,6. This is in part due to the exquisite structural and functional control such components provide and the flexibility they afford for designing materials specifically tailored towards the intended application 5. A large number of such nanoporous organic polymers have been fabricated in recent years, including polymers of intrinsic microporosity (PIMs) 5,6 , porous polymer networks (PPNs) 7 , and conjugated microporous polymers (CMPs) 8-10. These materials are uniformly amorphous and composed of multifunctional building blocks linked by covalent bonds, and many studies have demonstrated their synthesis and utility 7,11-13. Unfortunately, the amorphous nature of these materials can yield significant pore size dispersities, inhibiting their utilization in certain applications such as size-and shape-based gas separation and storage 2,11. Crystallinity, in contrast, is characterized by ordered structure and uniform porosity, ideal attributes for gas separation and storage, catalysis, and optoelectronic devices 2,14. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are one such class of crystalline nanoporous materials that have been investigated extensively. MOFs are constructed from metal ions or clusters linked by organic