This chapter explores the relationship between power and resistance in the context of work and organizations, with a particular focus on the communicative, discursive processes of power and resistance. We do this by examining some key research traditions in this area-traditions that encompass both Fordist and post-Fordist work contexts. Historically speaking, the Fordist organizational form emerged in the early twentieth century and was dominant until the late 1970s, while post-Fordist work arrangements began to emerge in the wake of the crisis of capitalism in the 1970s. Our goal in the chapter is to explore how, in the course of the various transformations of work and organization during the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, there have been concomitant shifts in the nature of workplace struggle; that is, in the relationships between power, resistance, and organizing. As a particular economic mode of production, capitalism is incentivized to transform the labor process because, as Marx observed, the rate of profit tends to fall as markets become more competitive and saturated. As such, conceiving of new ways to intensify the labor process is one of the only ways to regain a competitive edge. Such transformations, however, always occur in an economic and political context of struggle, as workers inevitably push back against efforts to extract more and more surplus value from their labor. Power and resistance, then, are defining, constitutive dynamics of the labor process that take on particular features under capitalism. Indeed, as Boltanski and Chiapello (2002: 2) state, "Capitalism needs it enemies" in order to retain its dynamism. In this chapter, we delve into the changing nature of these features. In some respects, we view this chapter as a frame through which the other chapters in this book can be read. Processes of power and resistance underpin, define, and constitute organizational communication; they are the medium and outcome of everyday organizing. Thus, organizational communication phenomena such as organizational identity and identification, culture, gender, difference, decision-making, emotion and relationships, and so forth are all inflected by the power and politics of everyday organizational life. As you read this collection, we encourage