Results of typing platelet specimens from 299 random group 0 blood
donors with three antibodies agree with the hypothesis that the antigens detected
are controlled by three alleles present in Caucasian populations with frequencies
of 0.276, 0.109, 0.179. These alleles are denoted by P1^B1, P1^B2 and P1^B3 respectively.
The remaining 43.6% of alleles at this locus P1^B- are not detectable with antibodies
discussed in this paper. Tests on twelve families with a total of 34 children
support this hypothesis. Evidence is presented from population data supporting
the hypothesis that P1^B1 and P1^B3 are identical or closely related to LA2 and
LAI respectively. Population data also supports the hypothesis that P1^B2 and
P1B3 correspond to 7^d and 7^c respectively. In the appendix of this paper a description
is given of a statistical technique that demonstrates the number of specimens
from a population that should be typed in order to distinguish between the
hypotheses of allelism and independence of genes controlling blood group antigens.