We have measured differential cross sections (DCSs) for the vibrationally inelastic scattering process H ؉ o-D2(v ؍ 0, j ؍ 0,2) 3 H ؉ o-D2(v ؍ 1-4, j even). Several different collision energies and nearly the entire range of populated product quantum states are studied. The products are dominantly forward-scattered in all cases. This behavior is the opposite of what is predicted by the conventional textbook mechanism, in which collisions at small impact parameters compress the bond and cause the products to recoil in the backward direction. Recent quasiclassical trajectory (QCT) calculations examining only the o-D2(v ؍ 3, j) products suggest that vibrationally inelastic scattering is the result of a frustrated reaction in which the DOD bond is stretched, but not broken, during the collision. These QCT calculations provide a qualitative explanation for the observed forward-scattering, but they do not agree with experiments at the lowest values of j. The present work shows that quantum mechanical calculations agree closely with experiments and expands upon previous results to show that forward-scattering is universally observed in vibrationally inelastic H ؉ D2 collisions over a broad range of conditions. fully quantum calculations ͉ ion imaging ͉ reaction dynamics ͉ vibrationally inelastic scattering T he hydrogen exchange reaction, H ϩ H 2 3 H 2 ϩ H, as the prototypic model system in the study of reaction dynamics, has garnered much attention from experimentalists and theoreticians alike. Dozens of studies over the past few decades have compared measurements of integral and differential cross sections (ICSs and DCSs) for reactive scattering with the results of quasiclassical trajectory (QCT) and quantum mechanical (QM) calculations; several excellent reviews have been published recently (1-3). Despite a few remaining slight discrepancies that possibly result from errors in these challenging experiments (4, 5), the agreement between recent experiments and calculations is nearly perfect (6-9), suggesting that reactive scattering in this fundamental reaction is well understood. In contrast to the wealth of information available for the reactive channel, only a handful of studies have focused on the vibrationally inelastic scattering channel (1, 10-16), and only one of these presented rotational-state-selected DCSs (16).For the H ϩ D 2 isotopic variant, 1 quantum of D 2 vibration is roughly equivalent in energy to the reaction barrier to form HD on the minimum energy path (Ϸ0.4 eV), and the nuclear motion involved in D 2 vibration is qualitatively similar to the lengthening of the DOD bond that occurs near the transition state in a reactive collision. Indeed, inelastic scattering trajectories may recross the reaction barrier multiple times (1,13,16,17). Reactive collisions are dominated by direct recoil at small impact parameters (1, 18, 19), but nonreactive collisions comprise a much larger range of impact parameters and may sample quite different regions of the potential energy surface (PES). Studying inel...