In this work, we evaluated the levels of genetic diversity in 18 genomes of SARS-CoV-2 carrying the D614G mutation, coming from Malaysia and Venezuela and publicly available at the National Center of Biotechnology and Information (NCBI). These haplotypes were previously used for phylogenetic analysis, following the LaBECom protocols. All gaps and unconserved sites were extracted for the construction of a phylogenetic tree. As specific methodologies for paired FST estimators, Molecular Variance (AMOVA), Genetic Distance, mismatch, demographic and spatial expansion analyses, molecular diversity and evolutionary divergence time analyses, 20,000 random permutations were always used. The results revealed the presence of only 57 sites of polymorphic and parsimonium-informative among the 29,827bp analyzed and the analyses based on FST values confirmed the presence of two distinct genetic entities with fixation index of 22% and with a higher component of population variation (78.14%). Tau variations revealed a significant time of divergence, supported by mismatch analysis of the observed distribution (τ = 42%). It is safe to say that the small number of existing polymorphisms should not reflect major changes in the protein products of viral populations in both countries and this consideration provides the safety that, although there are differences in the haplotypes studied, these differences are minimal for both regions analyzed geographically and, therefore, it seems safe to extrapolate the levels of polymorphism and molecular diversity found in the samples for other mutant genomes of SARS-CoV-2 in other countries. This reduces speculation about the possibility of large differences between mutant strains of SARS-CoV-2 (D614G) and wild strains, at least at the level of their protein products, although the mutant form has higher transmission speed and infection. The analyses suggest that possible variations in protein products, of the wild virus in relation to its mutant form, should be minimal, bringing peace of mind as to the increased risk of death from the new form of the virus, as well as possible problems of gradual adjustments in some molecular targets for vaccines.