Leisure time is an important part of university students’ lives and affects their quality of lives; that’s why the present study was aimed at examining satisfaction rate with leisure time in a sample of Academy of Police Force students. Research instrument of survey of satisfaction rate with leisure time was carried out through an intentional sampling with a survey group size of 439 (100 %) Academy of Police Force male (43.28 %, n = 190) and female (56.72 %, n = 249) students (aged ± 21.50 years). Examining the satisfaction rate with leisure time was carried out 2 mounts (June - July, 2022). Statistics; in particular, descriptive, and inferential was used to examine the data. After examining the data, average satisfaction rate with leisure time among university students was 3.77 out of five-point scale (p ˂ .05). Out of fivepoint scale, active leisure among the university male (3.19) and female (2.52) students was 2.86 (p ˂ .01). Passive leisure among the university students was 3.46 (p ˃ .05) (.07 difference). Satisfaction rate with leisure time in a sample of Academy of Police Force students was at a sufficient level (Mdn, 4). Active leisure (p ˂ .05) and social leisure (p ˂ .05) contribute to satisfaction rate with leisure time among the university male (43.28 %, n = 190); active leisure (p ˂ .01) and passive leisure (p ˂ .01) among the university female students (56.72 %, n = 249).