It has been known for 115 years that, in humans, diverse cognitive traits are positively intercorrelated; this forms the basis for the general factor of intelligence (g). We directly test for a genetic basis for g using data from seven different cognitive tests (N = 11,263 to N = 331,679) and genome-wide autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms. A genetic g factor accounts for 58.4% (SE = 4.8%) of the genetic variance in the cognitive traits, with trait-specific genetic factors accounting for the remaining 41.6%. We distill genetic loci broadly relevant for many cognitive traits (g) from loci associated with only individual cognitive traits. These results elucidate the etiological basis for a long-known yet poorly-understood phenomenon, revealing a fundamental dimension of genetic sharing across diverse cognitive traits.Genetic General Intelligence (g) Genetic "General Intelligence," Objectively Determined and Measured § § The title adds the word Genetic to the start of Spearman's 1904 title that discovered phenotypic general intelligence, which he abbreviated as g Scores on psychometric tests of cognitive abilities (intelligence) robustly predict educational performance, socio-economic attainments, everyday functioning, health, and longevity (1-3). In 1904, Charles Spearman identified a positive manifold of intercorrelations among school test results and estimates of intelligence, leading him to propose that they arise from a single general dimension of variation, which he termed general intelligence (and which he denoted as g) (4). He theorized that most of the remaining variance in each cognitive test was accounted for by a factor specific to that test, which he called s. Thus, some variance in each cognitive test is shared with all other cognitive tests (g), and some is specific to that test (its s). Hundreds of studies have since replicated the finding that, when several or many diverse cognitive tests are administered to a sizeable sample of people, a g factor is found that accounts for about 40% of the total test variance (5,6). Considerable efforts over the past century have been placed on identifying the biological bases of g, spanning levels of analysis from molecular, to neuroanatomical, to cognitive (7-11).Psychometrically, a hierarchical structure of cognitive abilities is commonly agreed, with cognitive tests' variance accounted for by three different strata of variation (Fig. S1), representing each test's specific variance (s), broad domains of cognitive function (e.g. reasoning, processing speed, memory), and g (5). Most twin studies that examine the heritability of human intelligence differences use test scores that mix g and s; relatively few have applied the twin method to the hierarchy of cognitive test score variance (12). The twin-based studies that have separated g variance from s variance indicate a strong heritable basis for g, suggesting that cognitive traits are positively correlated substantially because of strongly overlapping genetic architecture (13-17). These findings are consist...