INTRODUCTIONAbnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is the commonest reason for women of all ages to consult their gynaecologist, particularly those at the extremes of their reproductive years and the problem has a considerable impact on health status and the quality of life of women it is second most common indication for hysterectomy after uterine leiomyoma.1 Abnormal uterine bleeding affects 10-30% of reproductive aged women and up to 50% of premenopausal women.2 Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is sometimes mistaken as dysfunctional uterine bleeding(DUB) but AUB includes both organic and nonorganic causes of uterine bleeding whereas DUB is irregular uterine bleeding that occurs in the absence of recognizable pelvic pathology, general medical disease, or pregnancy.DUB is believed to occur in more than half of all women at least once during their reproductive age period. Up to 25% of women suffer at least one episode of DUB during their reproductive span.Patients who experience repetitive episodes might experience significant consequences-carries the risk for iron deficiency anemia. Flow can be copious enough to Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background:The levonorgestrel intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) is a safe and effective form of contraception used by millions of people worldwide. Other than this, it has many non-contraceptive benefits-treatments for dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB), fibroid uterus, endometriosis and endometrial hyperplasia. Methods: A prospective longitudinal comparative study was carried out at department of obstetrics and gynaecology S.N. Medical College, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India including 100 women of 20-45 years of age group (comparable in all aspects), with DUB. All cases were subjected to detailed history, examination and baseline investigationsHemoglobin (Hb), endometrial aspiration, histopathology and ultrasound pelvis (along with endometrial thickness) and PBAC scoring before starting the treatment. Then cases were randomly allocated in two equal groups. In group A LNG-IUS was inserted. In group B cases were prescribed oral medroxy progesterone acetate 10 mg bd from 5 th and 25 th day of menstrual cycle. Cases were followed at 1 month, 3 months and 6 months after starting treatment. At each follow-up visit primary outcome in terms of subjective assessment by patient, PBAC scores and secondary outcome as Hb levels and side-effects were recorded. Results: Reduction in PBAC Scores, improvement in Hb and reduction in endometrial thickness were seen with both treatment modalities but results were significantly (p <0.0001) better with LNG-IUS group as compared to MPA. LNG-IUS was found to be more effective in endometrial hyperplasia and proliferative type of endometrium. Conclusions: LNG-IUS i...