Policy Press works to counter discrimination on grounds of gender, race, disability, age and sexuality. Cover design and image by Hayes Design Front cover image: Clifford Hayes / www.hayesdesign.co.uk Printed and bound in Great Britain by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon, CR0 4YY Policy Press uses environmentally responsible print partners iii
DedicationThe editors would like to dedicate this anthology to the memory of Martha Farrell, who worked tirelessly throughout her life for the emancipation of women. Her career spanned 35 years in informal education, gender mainstreaming, gender equality and policy advocacy. She worked for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA) in India for 19 years alongside her husband, Rajesh Tandon, PRIA's founder. Martha Farrell's contributions included training grass roots women leaders alongside work on gender awareness and mainstreaming, ensuring that policies on the prevention of sexual harassment were implemented within organisations (starting with her own organisation, PRIA). Her PhD research on sexual harassment in the workplace has been published by Uppall (2014) as Engendering the workplace: Gender discrimination and prevention of sexual harassment in organisations.Her work can therefore be seen as covering the span of topics our anthology is addressing: the need to counter discrimination wherever it is experienced, within organisations as well as in the wider society.Martha Farrell was murdered by terrorists in Kabul, along with 13 other aid workers, on 13 May 2015. She had been in Kabul to provide training on gender issues for the staff of the Aga Kahn Foundation. Her life, and so sadly, also the manner of her death, are emblematic of the challenges facing all of us who want to create a more equal society, free of gender discrimination and oppression.