This is the published version of a paper published in The Lichenologist.
Citation for the original published paper (version of record):Kosuthova, A., Fernández-Brime, S., Westberg, M., Wedin, M. (2016) Collolechia revisited and a re-assessment of ascus characteristics in Placynthiaceae (Peltigerales, Ascomycota). Collolechia revisited and a re-assessment of ascus characteristics in Placynthiaceae (Peltigerales, Ascomycota)Alica KOŠUTHOVÁ, Samantha FERNÁNDEZ-BRIME, Martin WESTBERG and Mats WEDIN Abstract: We investigated the phylogenetic relationships in the cyanolichen family Placynthiaceae to test the current generic delimitations, where the monotypic Collolechia is currently accepted as distinct, based on differences in ascospores, ascus apex characteristics and the leprose thallus. Bayesian and maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses of two sequence marker datasets confirmed that Collolechia caesia is nested within Placynthium, and should be called Placynthium caesium (Fr.) Jatta. We reassessed the spore and ascus characteristics and showed that Placynthium caesium falls well within the variation in Placynthium and is thus yet another example of a species that differs from close relatives by its crustose-leprose thallus structure.