Background: Major role of a dermatopathologists is to try to make specific diagnosis of inflammatory skin diseases. IFD means inflammatory infiltrate that abuts or obscures the dermo-epidermal junction in askin biopsy.This type of reaction is also seen in skin disorders associated with systemic illness like LE and skin changes of potentially fatal disorders such as Graft versus host disease, S-J syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis. Results: In the present study, a total of 121 cases of IFD were studied, the majority of which [65] presented as papulo-squamous [ papules and plaques ] lesions. Of theses 121 cases, the most common type of IFD was LP and its variants (53.71 %).The next common was LDE (8.26 %) followed by PL(7.4% ). The least common was LN (0.8 % ) and dermatomyositis (1.6 %). Female preponderance was noted in case of IFD [ 59.9 % ]. The percentage of clinical concordance was good in cases of LP & its variants (90.77 %), DLE ( 83.33%) and in Dermatomyositis.
Conclusion:A good clinicopathologic correlation is absolutely essential for the final diagnosis of IFD.