Signal propagation in the non equilibirum evolution after quantum quenches has recently attracted much experimental and theoretical interest. A key question arising in this context is what principles, and which of the properties of the quench, determine the characteristic propagation velocity. Here we investigate such issues for a class of quench protocols in one of the central paradigms of interacting many-particle quantum systems, the spin-1/2 Heisenberg XXZ chain. We consider quenches from a variety of initial thermal density matrices to the same final Hamiltonian using matrix product state methods. The spreading velocities are observed to vary substantially with the initial density matrix. However, we achieve a striking data collapse when the spreading velocity is considered to be a function of the excess energy. Using the fact that the XXZ chain is integrable, we present an explanation of the observed velocities in terms of "excitations" in an appropriately defined generalized Gibbs ensemble.The last few years have witnessed a number of significant advances in understanding the nonequilibirum dynamics in isolated quantum systems. Much of this activity has focussed on fundamental concepts such as thermalization [1][2][3][4][5] or the roles played by dimensionality and conservation laws [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16].Another key issue concerns the spreading of correlations out of equilibrium, and in particular the "light-cone" effect after global quantum quenches. The most commonly studied protocol in this context is to prepare the system in the ground state of a given Hamiltonian, and to then suddenly change a system parameter such as a magnetic field or interaction strength. At subsequent times the spreading of correlations can then be analyzed by considering the time-dependence of two-point functions of local operators separated by a fixed distance. As shown by Lieb and Robinson [17,18], the velocity of information transfer in quantum systems is bounded. This gives rise to a causal structure in commutators of local operators at different times, although Schrödinger's equation, unlike relativistic theories, has no built-in speed limit. Recently, the Lieb-Robinson bounds have been refined [19][20][21] and extended to mixed state dynamics in open quantum systems [21,22] as well as creation of topological quantum order [23].A striking consequence of the Lieb-Robinson bound is that the equal-time correlators after a quantum quench feature a "light-cone" effect [23], which is most pronounced for quenches to conformal field theories from initial density matrices with a finite correlation length [24]: connected correlations are initially absent, but exhibit a marked increase after a time t 0 = x/2v. This observation is explained by noting [25,26] that entangled pairs of quasi-particles initially located half-way between the two points of measurement, propagate with the speed of light v and hence induce correlations after a time t 0 . These predictions have been verified numerically in several systems, se...