“…Strontium‐to‐calcium ratio in the water is generally positively correlated with salinity (Limburg, ; Zimmerman, ), and those ambient Sr:Ca values are reflected in the otoliths (Bath et al., ; Kraus & Secor, ). Several previous studies have successfully used otolith microchemistry (Sr:Ca as a chemical tracer) for studying fish movements in the Baltic Sea, although, yet again, research has been focused on economically valuable species (Limburg, Landergren, Westin, Elfman, & Kristiansson, ; Limburg, Wickström, Svedäng, Elfman, & Kristiansson, ; Rohtla et al., ; Shiao, Ložys, Iizuka, & Tzeng, ; Taal, Kesler et al., ).…”