Urban parking is a major challenge in several developing countries such as Indonesia. Dense traffic conditions are exacerbated by the lack of availability of off-street parking in public spaces, forcing vehicles to use on-street parking, which in turn impedes traffic flow and causes gridlock and traffic jams. Semarang City is a good case-study area, with significant parking problems which are clearly unresolved. The research objective is to develop urban parking controls by conducting a comprehensive parking rate analysis based on zoning, using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) model to direct and refine the research in a methodical way. The research results determined appropriate urban parking rates based not simply on zoning, but also accounting for the influence of additional quantifiable criteria: assessed land value, location and accessibility, additional value derived from various types of land use, economic capability/ability to pay, and hidden value ascribed to amenities/type of facilities. The highest weighted value, 8,498, was obtained for zone A, which represents the trade zone (BWK 1/Urban Boundaries 1); the value obtained for zone B, 3,71, represents the industrial zone (BWK 4/Urban Boundaries 4); and zone C (BWK 6/Urban Boundaries 6) is represented with the weighted value of 1,867.