We applied Time-Resolved Two-Photon Photoemission spectroscopy to probe the electronphonon (e-ph) coupling strength in double-wall carbon nanotubes. The e-ph energy transfer rate G(T e ,T l ) from the electronic system to the lattice depends linearly on the electron (T e ) and lattice (T l ) temperatures for T e >Θ Debye . Moreover, we numerically solved the Two-Temperature Model.We found: (i) a T e decay with a 3.5 ps time constant and no significant change in T l ; (ii) an e-ph coupling factor of 2×10 16 W/m 3 ; (iii) a mass-enhancement parameter, λ, of (5.4±0.9)×10 -4 ; and (iv) a decay time of the electron energy density to the lattice of 1.34±0.85 ps. In carbon nanotubes 1 and graphene 2 , the electron-phonon (e-ph) interactions modify the dynamics of the charge carriers near the Fermi level by changing their mass and the relaxation rate. A dramatic manifestation of these interactions is found in superconductivity, in ballistic transport 3-9 phenomena in Raman spectra, 10 and in phonon dispersion. 11 A significant rise in the electron temperature, T e , with respect to the lattice temperature, T l , can be achieved by irradiating the material with ultra-short laser pulses. The e and ph systems equilibrate by exchanging energy (via scattering processes) with a rate defined by the coupling strength. The observed energy bottleneck suggests that only a limited set of the total phonon modes 12, 13 participate in the relaxation of the charge carrier energy. The e-ph coupling strength is highly important, and although it has been extensively investigated in single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) 4,9,14,15 and graphene, 16 very little is known for double-wall nanotubes (DWNTs).In this letter, we present the temperature dependence of the energy transfer rate G(T e ,T l ) from electrons to the lattice in DWNTs. Using time-resolved two-photon photoemission (TR-TPP) spectroscopy 17 , we record the non-thermal and the thermal evolution of the electron distributions and their subsequent equilibration with phonons. We analyze the dynamics of the excited electrons in the vicinity of the Fermi level and determine the e-ph interactions. We also solve numerically the Two-Temperature Model (TTM), which describes the hot electron and phonon energy evolution after the excitation. The e-ph coupling arises from the coupling in the inner tube, the coupling in the outer tube, and the coupling from electrons scattered from the inner to the outer tubes, though no significant increase in the total e-ph coupling in DWNTs compared to separate SWNTs was found 18 .In our experiment, IR ultra-short laser pulses were utilized to generate a non-equilibrium population of charge carriers in the conduction band by absorbing energy from the pulses. Further details of the experimental setup can be found elsewhere. 19 Our sample was 100 µm thick freestanding ''bucky'' paper with an outer diameter of the nanotubes of 4±1 nm provided by the Nanolab.The probe-photon energy exceeds the work function of the sample by ~0.25 eV, thus directly promoting elec...