Integrated photonic circuits, increasingly based on silicon (-nitride), are at the core of the next generation of low-cost, energy efficient optical devices ranging from on-chip interconnects to biosensors. One of the main bottlenecks in developing such components is that of implementing sufficient functionalities on the often passive backbone, such as light emission and amplification. A possible route is that of hybridization where a new material is combined with the existing framework to provide a desired functionality. Here, we present a detailed design flow for the hybridization of silicon nitride-based integrated photonic circuits with so-called colloidal quantum dots (QDs). QDs are nanometer sized pieces of semiconductor crystals obtained in a colloidal dispersion which are able to absorb, emit and amplify light in a wide spectral region. Moreover, they combine costeffective solution based deposition methods, ambient stability and low fabrication cost. Starting from the linear and non-linear material properties obtained on the starting colloidal dispersions, we can predict and evaluate thin film and-device performance, which we demonstrate through characterization of the first onchip QD based laser.