Since carbon-carbon (C À C) covalent bonds are rigid and robust, the bond length is,ingeneral, nearly constant and depends only on the bond order and hybrid orbitals.W e report herein direct visualization of the reversible expansion and contraction of aC (sp 3)ÀC(sp 3)s ingle bond by light and heat. This flexibility of aC À Cb ond was demonstrated by X-ray analysis and Raman spectroscopyo fh exaphenylethane (HPE)-type hydrocarbons with two spiro-dibenzocycloheptatriene units,t he intramolecular [2+ +2] photocyclization of which and thermal cleavage of the resulting cyclobutane ring both occur in as ingle-crystalline phase.T he force constant of the contracted CÀCb ond is 1.6 times greater than that of the expanded bond. Since formation of the cyclobutane ring and contraction of the C À Cb ond lower the HOMO level by approximately 1eV, the oxidative properties of these HPEs with aflexible CÀCbond can be deactivated/activated by light/ heat.