The¯uorescent dye chlorotetracycline (CTC) has several disadvantages compared with ratio dyes like Fura-dextran. However, in many plant tissues the derivatives of Fura cannot be loaded. Thus, the pitfalls and possible precautions for the measurement of the light-induced changes in cytosolic free calcium concentration ([Ca 2+ ] c ) were investigated in algae and higher plants. Eremosphaera viridis de Bary and the¯owing cytosol in whorl cells of Chara corallina Klein ex Willd. were used as examples for possible pressure injection of Fura-dextran or bis-carboxyethyl-carboxy-¯uorescein (BCECF) dextran, illustrating the better calibration in absolute terms provided by these dyes. However, here it is shown that CTC works better than Fura-dextran for monitoring the light-induced changes in [Ca 2+ ] c in the ectoplasm close to the plasma membrane in Chara. Protoplasts of Solanum nigrum L. and whole intact leaves of Vicia faba L. and Nicotiana tabacum L. were used as examples of cells that were too fragile for pressure injection of Fura-dextran. The sensitivity of CTC to pH may cause artefacts when light-induced changes in [Ca 2+ ] c in intact leaves are to be measured. If some precautions are met, this problem and others (requirement of constant temperature, sensitivity to other ions, eect on plasma-membrane Ca 2+ permeability) can be circumvented, thus making CTC a suitable dye for monitoring light-induced changes in [Ca 2+ ] c in a broad spectrum of dierent plant cells, tissues and species.