For crystalline-silicon solar cells, voltages close to the theoretical limit are nowadays readily achievable when using passivating contacts. Conversely, maximal current generation requires the integration of the electron and hole contacts at the back of the solar cell to liberate its front from any shadowing loss. Recently, the world-record e ciency for crystalline-silicon singlejunction solar cells was achieved by merging these two approaches in a single device; however, the complexity of fabricating this class of devices raises concerns about their commercial potential. Here we show a contacting method that substantially simplifies the architecture and fabrication of back-contacted silicon solar cells. We exploit the surface-dependent growth of silicon thin films, deposited by plasma processes, to eliminate the patterning of one of the doped carrier-collecting layers. Then, using only one alignment step for electrode definition, we fabricate a proof-of-concept 9-cm 2 tunnel-interdigitated backcontact solar cell with a certified conversion e ciency >22.5%. I n recent decades, the market of photovoltaics has been consistently growing and the yearly installed photovoltaic capacity has increased from 328 MW peak in 2001 to 50 GW peak in 2015. This resulted in 2016 in a cumulative capacity of 235 GW peak (ref. 1), largely based on crystalline-silicon (c-Si) solar-cell technologies 2 , and contributing to about 1.3% of the global electricity production 3 . To further increase this number, the cost-competitiveness of photovoltaics must surpass that of classic, non-renewable energy sources, and one route towards this goal is to raise the conversion efficiency of industrial c-Si solar cells 4,5 .High power conversion efficiencies require maximizing the solar-cell electrical parameters: open-circuit voltage (V oc ), fillfactor (FF) and short-circuit current density (J sc ). For the V oc and FF, this is possible by using passivating contacts, employing silicon oxide or hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin films to minimize charge carrier recombination at the electrical contacts to the c-Si wafer, with demonstrated record efficiencies for two-sidecontacted solar cells of 25.1% (refs 6,7). Maximum J sc values can be achieved using a back-contacted architecture, eliminating front metal electrode shadowing and minimizing optical reflection and absorption losses at the front. Small-sized back-contacted solar cells, based on diffused silicon homo-junctions, were realized at several research institutes (refs 8-11), showing a best conversion efficiency up to 24.4% (ref. 12). Industrially, the back-contacted architecture was pioneered by Sunpower, recently reporting on large-area devices with very high J sc values and efficiencies surpassing 25% (ref. 13). Considering these achievements, integrating passivating contacts in a back-contacted architecture is the obvious c-Si single-junction solar-cell design towards highest conversion efficiencies. Such an approach has increasingly been researched in both academia and indust...