, T. 2008. Light interception and radiation use efficiency of fern-and unifoliateleaf chickpea cultivars. Can. J. Plant Sci. 88: 1025Á1034. A chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) crop with rapid leaf development, high solar radiation interception, and efficient use of radiation can maximize the yield potential in a short-season typical of the Northern Great Plains. This study determined the effects of cultivars varying in leaf architecture on light interception (LI) and radiation use efficiency (RUE) in chickpea. Six kabuli chickpea cultivars with fern and unifoliate-leaf traits were grown under low (45 plants m (2 ) and high (85 plants m (2 ) population density at Saskatoon and Swift Current, Saskatchewan, in 2003 and. Fern-leaf cultivars achieved consistently higher maximum LI, and greater cumulative intercepted radiation than cultivars with the unifoliate-leaf. Estimated RUE varied largely with growing season, but did not differ among cultivars or between plant populations. Compared with low plant population, high plant population resulted in greater maximum LI in only 1 out of 4 location-years, but higher cumulative intercepted radiation in 3 out of 4 location-years. Our results indicated that future high-yielding kabuli chickpea cultivars for short seasons will benefit from increased canopy LI and seasonal cumulative intercepted radiation via the fern-leaf trait, although the fern-leaf does not further increase RUE. Use of fern-leaf cultivars, coupled with adoption of strategies that promote a rapid canopy development and improved radiation interception are keys to maximizing chickpea yield potential in the short-seasons experienced in the Northern Great Plains. La IL maximale e´tait toujours plus e´leve´e chez les cultivars a`feuilles de fouge`re que chez les varie´te´s unifolie´es; l'accumulation des rayonnements capte´s e´tait aussi toujours plus importante. L'EUR estimative varie conside´rablement avec la saison de croissance, mais elle ne diffe`re pas d'un cultivar a`l'autre ni entre les peuplements. La densite´de peuplement e´leve´e a engendre´une meilleure IL maximale que la faible densite´de peuplement a`un site-anne´e sur quatre seulement, mais elle a entraıˆne´une plus grande interception cumulative de rayonnements a`trois sites-anne´es sur quatre. Ces re´sultats indiquent que les futurs cultivars de pois chiche kabuli a`haut rendement adapte´s a`une courte pe´riode ve´ge´tative profiteront d'une IL plus importante et d'une plus grande accumulation des rayonnements intercepte´s graˆce aux feuilles de fouge`re, meˆme si ce caracte`re ne rehausse pas l'EUR davantage. La culture de cultivars a`feuilles de fouge`re et l'adoption de strate´gies favorisant un de´veloppement rapide du feuillage et une meilleure interception des rayons solaires sont la cle´du succe`s si on veut maximiser le rendement du pois chiche avec la bre`ve saison de croissance caracte´ristique aux grandes plaines du nord.