If a photoexcited rhodopsin molecule initiates the formation of rhodopsin oligomers during the process of visual excitation, the rate of rotational diffusion of the rhodopsin molecules involved should change markedly. Using microsecond-flash photometry, we have observed the rotational diffusion of rhodopsin throughout the time period of visual excitation and found that no detectable change occurs in its rotational diffusion rate. Partial chemical cross-linking of the retina yields oligomers of rhodopsin and causes a significant decrease in the rotational diffusion rate of rhodopsin even when as little as 20% of rhodopsin is dimeric. Moreover, the pattern of oligomers formed by cross-linking, taken together with the magnitude of decreases in rotational diffusion rate accompanying the cross-linking reaction, suggests that rhodopsin is a monomer in the dark-adapted state. The experiments reported here show that photoexcited rhodopsin molecules do not irreversibly associate with unbleached neighbors during the time course of the receptor response. Hence, it is not likely that stable oligomers of rhodopsin trigger the excitation of the photoreceptor cell.