The computational structure-based drug design (SBDD) mainly aims at generating or discovering new chemical compounds with sufficiently large binding free energy. In any de novo drug design methods and virtual screening methods, drug candidates are selected by approximately evaluating the binding free energy (or the binding affinity). This approximate binding free energy, usually called "empirical score," is critical to the success of the SBDD. The purpose of this work is to yield physical insight into the approximate evaluation method in comparison with an exact molecular dynamics (MD) simulation-based method (named MP-CAFEE), which can predict binding free energies accurately. We calculate the binding free energies for 58 selected drug candidates with MP-CAFEE. Here, the compounds are generated by OPMF, a novel fragmentbased de novo drug design method, and the ligand-protein interaction energy is used as an empirical score. The results show that the correlation between the binding free energy and the interaction energy is not strong enough to clearly distinguish compounds with nM-affinity from those with µM-affinity. This implies that it is necessary to take into account the natural protein motion with explicitly surrounded by water molecules to improve the efficiency of the drug candidate selection procedure.
Key words computational drug design; molecular dynamics; binding free energy; high-performance computingBecause the drug discovery becomes more costly and more time-consuming despite the continuous progress of technologies, more efficient and logical drug development methods are required.1) The computational structure-based drug design (SBDD) approach 2-4) is one promising prescription, and thus many methodologies and programs have been developed for the last two decades. The computational SBDD methods are categorized into two groups: the virtual screening [5][6][7][8] and de novo design.9,10) The virtual screening method selects bioactive compounds from chemical compound libraries, elements of which are usually available or already known. On the other hand, the de novo drug design generates chemical compounds from scratch.In any computational SBDD methods, drug candidates, having high binding affinity with the target protein, are selected from the chemical compound libraries or the computationally designed compound groups. For the selection, it is necessary to evaluate the binding affinity (the binding free energy) for every compound. Thus, the accuracy of the binding free energy evaluation is critical to the success of the computational SBDD. Even if the compound group includes several highaffinity compounds but if the selection method does not work well, it is impossible to discover strong candidates.Because the standard chemical compound library includes ca. 1000000 compounds, it takes huge computational time to calculate the binding free energies for many compounds. To reduce the required computational resource, the computational SBDD usually introduce approximations to the binding free energy. (The ...