Internet traffic data such as the number of transmitted packets and time spent on the transmission of Internet protocols (IPs) have been shown to exhibit self-similar property which can contain the long memory property, particularly in a heavy Internet traffic. Simulating this type of dataset is an important aspect of delay avoidance planning, especially when trying to mimic real-life processing of packets on the Internet. Most of the existing procedures often assumed the process follows a Gaussian distribution, and thus long memory processes such as Fractional Brownian Motion (FBM) and Fractional Gaussian Noise (FGN) among others are used. These approaches often result in estimation errors arising from the use of inappropriate distribution. However, it has been established that the distribution of Internet processes are heavy-tailed. Therefore, in this paper, a new method that is capable of generating heavy-tailed self-similar traffic is proposed based on the first-order autoregressive AR (1) process. The proposed method is compared with some of the existing methods at varying values of the self-similar index and sample sizes. The imposed self-similarity indices were estimated using the Range/Standard deviation statistic (R/S). Performance analysis was achieved using the absolute percentage errors. The results showed that the proposed method has a lower average error when compared with other competing methods.