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1984Signature was redacted for privacy.Signature was redacted for privacy.Signature was redacted for privacy.
IMIROliDCTlONThe analysis of nonlinear feedback systems presents many more difficulties than the analysis of linear feedback systems. Essentially, these difficulties arise in solving a coupled nonlinear system of ordinary differential equations as opposed to a linear coupled system.In many cases one can not solve the general nonlinear system easily, if at all. Thus, we must either restrict the type of system studied or do a qualitative analysis. In qualitative analyses we seek to answer the questions of existence or nonexistence of limit cycles, give estimates of amplitudes and frequencies of these limit cycles, and determine the limit cycle stability. To use the describing function method in the case of one nonllnearity, what is done is to first replace the nonllnearity in the system by a "linear" term, then analyze the "linear" system to predict limit cycles and stability for the nonlinear system. In the case of multiple nonlinearitles, each of the nonllnearltles is replaced by a "linear" term, and the "linear" system is analyzed.We consider a feedback system containing J linear plants and J nonlinear parts in cascade, as in Figure 1. We give an exact analysis of r=0 ?H©- Unfortunate...