material is highly warranted. Several prospective materials have been proposed as anode insertion hosts to reversibly accommodate Li-ions; for example, anatase TiO 2 (≈1.7 V vs. Li with theoretical capacity of 335 mAh g −1 ) [ 6 ] and monoclinic TiO 2 -B (≈1.55 V vs. Li with theoretical capacity of 335 mAh g −1 ), [ 7,8 ] Li 4 Ti 5 O 12 (≈1.5 V vs. Li with theoretical capacity of 175 mAh g −1 ), [ 9,10 ] LiCrTiO 4 (≈1.5 V vs. Li with theoretical capacity of 157 mAh g −1 ), [ 11,12 ] TiP 2 O 7 (≈2.6 V vs. Li with theoretical capacity of 121 mAh g −1 ), [ 13,14 ] LiTi 2 (PO 4 ) 3 (≈2.6 V vs. Li with theoretical capacity of 138 mAh g −1 ), [ 15,16 ] Li 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 3 (≈1.7 V vs. Li with theoretical capacity of 132 mAh g −1 ), [ 17 ] Nb 2 O 5 (≈1.7 V vs. Li with theoretical capacity of 403 mAh g −1 ) [ 18 ] and TiNb 2 O 7 (≈1.6 V vs. Li with theoretical capacity of 388 mAh g −1 ) [ 19 ] ( Figure 1 ). The mentioned insertion-host materials showed much higher insertion potential (>1.5 V vs. Li) and very less practical capacity (<300 mAh g −1 ) than graphitic anodes (≈0.1 V vs. Li), which results in a drastic reduction of overall energy density when coupled with a high performance cathode. On the other hand, displacement and alloy-based anodes exhibit a higher capacity than insertion electrodes, but they experience huge irreversible capacity loss in the fi rst cycle, large volume changes, and poor long-term cycleability, which renders them as "show case" anodes. [ 5,20 ] This situation clearly shows the importance of the development of low-voltage insertion-type anodes to realize the construction of high energy density Li-ion power packs to fulfi l the requirements for HEV and EV applications. [ 4 ] Recently, Goodenough and co-workers [ 21 ] reported the possibility of using a garnet framework Li 3 Nd 3 W 2 O 12 as a low-voltage (≈0.3 V vs. Li) insertion anode for LIB applications. Generally, such garnet materials are considered as fast Li-ion conductors with ionic conductivities of >10 −4 S cm −1 in ambient conditions. [ 22 ] The crystal structure of the lithium garnet framework can be described as Li 3 A 3 B 2 O 12 in which Li occupies square anti-prismatic, octahedral and tetrahedral sites in 3:2:3 ratio. [ 23 ] The tetrahedral Li-sites are bridged by empty octahedra sharing opposite faces with two tetrahedral sites; every face of a Lisite is bridged to neighboring Li-sites by the means of octahedral sites to provide a 3D interstitial space. This interstitial space can accommodate 9 moles of Li, but a practical limit of 7 moles of Li has been set. In the present case, the W 6+/4+The synthesis of carbon-coated Li 3