Capsicum is a genus of flowering plants in the Solanaceae family in which the members are well known to have a high economic value. The Capsicum fruits, which are popularly known as peppers or chili, have been widely used by people worldwide. It serves as a spice and raw material for many products such as sauce, food coloring, and medicine. For many years, scientists have studied this plant to optimize its production. A tremendous amount of knowledge has been obtained and shared, as reflected in multiple knowledge-based systems, databases, or information systems. An approach to knowledge-sharing is through the adoption of a common ontology to eliminate knowledge understanding discrepancy. Unfortunately, most of the knowledge-sharing solutions are intended for scientists who are familiar with the subject. On the other hand, there are groups of potential users that could benefit from such systems but have minimal knowledge of the subject. For these non-expert users, finding relevant information from a less familiar knowledge base would be daunting. More than that, users have various degrees of understanding of the available content in the knowledge base. This understanding discrepancy raises a personalization problem. In this paper, we introduce a solution to overcome this challenge. First, we developed an ontology to facilitate knowledge-sharing about Capsicum to non-expert users. Second, we developed a personalized faceted search algorithm that provides multiple structured ways to explore the knowledge base. The algorithm addresses the personalization problem by identifying the degree of understanding about the subject from each user. In this way, non-expert users could explore a knowledge base of Capsicum efficiently. Our solution characterized users into four groups. As a result, our faceted search algorithm defines four types of matching mechanisms, including three ranking mechanisms as the core of our solution. In order to evaluate the proposed method, we measured the predictability degree of produced list of facets. Our findings indicated that the proposed matching mechanisms could tolerate various query types, and a high degree of predictability can be achieved by combining multiple ranking mechanisms. Furthermore, it demonstrates that our approach has a high potential contribution to biodiversity science in general, where many knowledge-based systems have been developed with limited access to users outside of the domain.