Abstract.A simple matrix is a (0,1)-matrix with no repeated columns. For a (0,1)-matrix F , we define that a (0,1)-matrix A has F as a configuration if there is a submatrix of A which is a row and column permutation of F (trace is the set system version of a configuration). Let A denote the number of columns of A. We define forb(m, F ) = max{ A : A is m-rowed simple matrix and has no configuration F }. We extend this to a family F = {F 1 , F 2 , . . . , F t } and define forb(m, F) = max{ A : A is m-rowed simple matrix and has no configuration F ∈ F}. We consider products of matrices. Given an m 1 × n 1 matrix A and an m 2 × n 2 matrix B, we define the product A × B as the (m 1 + m 2 ) × n 1 n 2 matrix columns consist of all possible combinations obtained from placing a column of A on top of a column of B. Let I k denote the k × k identity matrix, let I c k denote the (0,1)-complement of I k and let T k denote the k × k upper triangular (0,1)-matrix with a 1 in position i, j if and only if i ≤ j. We show forb(m, {I 2 × I 2 , T 2 × T 2 }) is Θ(m 3/2 ) while obtaining a linear bound when forbidding all 2-fold products of all 2 × 2 (0,1)-simple matrices. For two matrices F, P , where P is m-rowed, let f (F, P ) = max A { A : A is m-rowed submatrix of P with no configuration F }. We establish f (I 2 × I 2 , I m/2 × I m/2 ) is Θ(m 3/2 ) whereas f (I 2 × T 2 , I m/2 × T m/2 ) and f (T 2 × T 2 , T m/2 × T m/2 ) are both Θ(m). Additional results are obtained. We use the results on patterns due to Marcus and Tardos and generalizations due to Klazar and Marcus, Balogh, Bollobás and Morris.