In this paper, we evaluate a useful general model for linear direct current (DC) networks, containing design parameters, multiple inputs and outputs. The outputs are rational multivariate functions of the parameters and linear functions of the inputs. For an unknown linear system, the unknown coefficients of these functions can be determined by taking a suitable number of measurements and solving a set of linear equations constructed from selected measurement data. The rational functions are useful to support the design such that outputs can be constrained to a desired interval. An interesting result was the particular case where the parameter varied is located at the output terminal. This is an alternative way to estimate the Thévenin equivalent of a circuit. Real data are in general noisy with accuracy dependent on the tolerance of components and on the measurement device used. We present a detailed analysis of the application of the measurement-based approach under real experiments. Initially, a resistive DC circuit case is presented, and the results are verified by simulation and experimental laboratory data. Finally, practical circuits, such as a conditioning signal stage with an operational amplifier, and a boost DC-DC converter are considered.
1921The kind of problems described earlier was addressed in [2][3][4][5]. Along this line of research, results on the determination of power levels in unknown linear DC circuits appeared in [6]. It is shown that design can be carried out in an unknown-model environment by taking a few critical measurements from which the functional behaviour desired is reconstructed. These results were used to develop design theory based on a few strategic measurements to extract the functional behaviour needed to solve the design requirements.In the literature, a functional dependence of multivariate polynomial forms was derived for symbolic network functions in [7][8][9]. The results presented for symbolic network functions considered all the elements of a network and can be used for instance to obtain the voltage trans-admittance of a circuit with the components described by symbols. In [8,10], implicitly, only the unity rank case was considered, as in Bode's bilinear form which is a special case of the results given in [4] and [5].The present paper builds on the results in [3][4][5] and considers the general input-output model inspired in the space-state model introduced in [11]. The main contribution is in the analysis of the illposed problem arising in the measurement-based approach with real experiments and in its proposed practical applications.
A CONCEPTUAL MODEL], i = 1, … , m, j = 1, … , r.