Let V be the set of n×n complex or real general matrices, Hermitian matrices, symmetric matrices, positive definite (resp. semi-definite) matrices, diagonal matrices, or upper triangular matrices. Fix k∈Z\\01. We characterize linear maps ψ:V→V that satisfy ψAk=ψAk on an open neighborhood S of In in V. The k-power preservers are necessarily k-potent preservers, and k=2 corresponds to Jordan homomorphisms. Applying the results, we characterize maps ϕ,ψ:V→V that satisfy “trϕAψBk=trABk for all A∈V, B∈S, and ψ is linear” or “trϕAψBk=trABk for all A,B∈S and both ϕ and ψ are linear.” The characterizations systematically extend existing results in literature, and they have many applications in areas like quantum information theory. Some structural theorems and power series over matrices are widely used in our characterizations.