We consider a new Steiner tree problem, called vertex-cover-weighted Steiner tree problem. This problem defines the weight of a Steiner tree as the minimum weight of vertex covers in the tree, and seeks a minimum-weight Steiner tree in a given vertex-weighted undirected graph. Since it is included by the Steiner tree activation problem, the problem admits an O(log n)approximation algorithm in general graphs with n vertices. This approximation factor is tight up to a constant because it is NP-hard to achieve an o(log n)-approximation for the vertex-coverweighted Steiner tree problem in general graphs even if the given vertex weights are uniform and a spanning tree is required instead of a Steiner tree. In this paper, we present constantfactor approximation algorithms for the problem in unit disk graphs and in graphs excluding a fixed minor. For the latter graph class, our algorithm can be also applied for the Steiner tree activation problem.consists of at least n/2 vertices. Our problem is to compute a tree that minimizes the number (or, more generally, the weight) of devices required to monitor all of the traffic.More formally, our problem is defined as follows. Let G = (V, E) be an undirected graph associated with nonnegative vertex weights w ∈ R V + . Throughout this paper, we will denote |V | by n. Let T ⊆ V be a set of vertices called terminals. The problem seeks a pair comprising a tree F and a vertex set U ⊆ V (F ) such that (i) F is a Steiner tree with regard to the terminal set T (i.e., T ⊆ V (F )), and (ii) U is a vertex cover of F (i.e., each edge in F is incident to at least one vertex in U ). The objective is to find such a pair (F, U ) that minimizes the weight w(U ) := v∈U w(v) of the vertex cover. We call this the vertex-cover-weighted (VC-weighted) Steiner tree problem. We call the special case in which V = T the vertex-cover-weighted (VC-weighted) spanning tree problem. The aim of this paper is to investigate these fundamental problems.Besides the motivation from the communication networks, there is another reason for the importance of the VC-weighted Steiner tree problem. The VC-weighted Steiner tree problem is a special case of the Steiner tree activation problem, which was formulated by Panigrahi [18]. In the Steiner tree activation problem, we are given a set W of nonnegative real numbers, and each edge uv in the graph is associated with an activation function f uv : W × W → { , ⊥}, where indicates that an edge uv is activated, and ⊥ indicates that it is not. The activation function is assumed to be monotone (i.e., if f uv (i, j) = , i ≤ i , and j ≤ j , then f uv (i , j ) = ). A solution for the problem is defined as a |V |-dimensional vector x ∈ W V . We say that a solution x activates an edge uv if f uv (x(u), x(v)) = . The problem seeks a solution x that minimizes x(V ) := v∈V x(v) subject to the constraint that the edges activated by x include a Steiner tree. To see that the Steiner tree activation problem includes the VC-weighted Steiner tree problem, define W as {0} ∪ {w(v) : v ∈ V }, a...