“…By [Miy98], there is a ribbon concordance C b from K # to K b . There is an induced map KR N pC b ; Fq : KR N pK # ; Fq Ñ KR N pK b ; Fq which can be shown to be injective [Kan19,CGL `20] ultimately based on an arugment of Zemke for knot Floer homology [Zem19]. By the proof of [Wan20, Proposition 5.7], there are injective maps (displayed below as dotted) making the diagram KR N pD s , q; Fq KR N pK b , q; Fq KR N pL, q; Fq KR N pD # s , q; Fq KR N pK # , q; Fq KR N pL, q; Fq a a # KR N pC b ;Fq commute.…”