The domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori, has strict food preferences and grows by feeding on mulberry leaves. However, "Sawa-J", an abnormal feeding habit strain selected from the genetic stock, feeds on an artificial diet without mulberry leaf powder. In this study, the food preference gene in Sawa-J was genetically identified using restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of a cDNA clone on each linkage group. Taking advantage of a lack of genetic recombination in females, reciprocal backcrossed F1 (BC1) progenies were independently prepared using a non-feeding strain, C108, as a mating partner of Sawa-J. Our results of linkage analysis and mapping proved that the feeding behavior is primarily controlled by a major recessive gene mapped at 20.2 cM on RFLP linkage group 9 (RFLG9), and clone e73 at a distance of 4.2 cM was found as the first linked molecular marker.