171The T incompatibility group plasmid R394 can mobilize the chromosome of Pruteus mirabilis strain ~~5 0 0 6 .It transferred relatively large segments, corresponding to at least 20 inin on the D plasmid chromosomal map of the organism. The frequency of recombination for a large number of selected markers was nearly constant at 5 x lo-* per donor cell and it is concluded that mobilization takes place from a number of chromosomal sites. All recombinants were R f and displayed all properties of the plasmid. By analysing crosses for co-inheritance frequencies of unselected markers, a number of chromosomal loci were assembled in linear array. Linkage between markers at the ends of this linkage group was established to markers at the respective termini of the existing D plasmid linkage group. This established a composite circular linkage map of genes of the P. mirabilis strain ~~5 0 0 6 chromosome.
I N T R O D U C T I O NMobilization of the chromosome of P. mirabilis strain ~~5 0 0 6 by the recombinant plasmid P-lacRldrd19 has been described (Coetzee, 1975). Polarized transfer occurred from an origin near his-2 and involved a gradient of eight markers. As a result of a modification in the conjugation procedure (Coetzee, 1978a) the linkage map was extended by a further eight chromosomal markers. This plasmid is now named plasmid D (Coetzee, 1978a).R plasmid R772 can also mobilize the ~~5 0 0 6 chromosome (Coetzee, 1978b). R772-mediated transfer occurred from a number of chromosomal sites and, possibly because predominantly short segments of chromosome were mobilized, co-inheritance of the terminal markers of the D plasmid-derived linkage group could not be demonstrated.A number of other R plasmids may mobilize the ~~5 0 0 6 chromosome (J. N. Coetzee and R. W. Hedges, unpublished observations) and the use of one of these, R394 (Coetzee et d., 1972), to establish indirectly the genetic circularity of the ~~5 0 0 6 chromosomal linkage group is described here.
M E T H O D SBacteria and plasmid. These are listed in Table 1. Media. These were as described previously (Coetzee, 1978 b). Antibacterial drugs. Nalidixic acid, ampicillin, kanamycin, tetracycline (each 50 pg ml-I) or rifampicin (200 ,ug ml-I) were added to media when necessary.Plate matings. These were done by the method of Coetzee (1978a). Briefly, mating mixtures were constituted on non-selective MM (i.e. supplemented with growth requirements of recipient and donor) and incubated overnight before harvesting in saline. Control experiments lacked either donor or recipient. After washing, suitable dilutions were plated on selective MM and incubated for 48 h.Consfruction of P. mirabilis UP strains containing plasmid R394. The liquid mating technique of Coetzee et al. (1973) was used. Donor ~53(R394) was counterselected with tetracycline and transfer of the plasmid was selected with kanamycin or ampicillin. Transfer of the markers of plasmid R394 to various UP strains occurred at frequencies of about 1 x per donor cell. All donor strains were maintained on nutrient ...