It no longer makes sense to talk of India without analyzing its infra-national diversity. Yet, this article not only argues for the need to build upon but also go beyond the subnational comparative analysis for India. I make three related points. 2 While scholars exploit the variation easily found at the provincial level in India, they must also take their subnational insights and generalize about India as a whole. Users of the subnational method must ask: How do the conclusions of subnational variation change or modify our understanding of India? Second, with economic liberalization and integration of markets within India, a focus on the subnational level makes forces that span across states and cities invisible. Is India becoming more integrated even as variation across its sub-state units is increasing? How can we understand both these phenomena in one analysis? 3 In order to understand both spatial differentiation and integration, we need to analyze diffusion and horizontal competition and processes of convergence across subnational units (Jenkins, 2000;Saez, 1999;Sinha, 2004). We can no longer look at policies at the subnational level without examining how policy innovation and e-governance spread across states. Last, the complexity of India's internal variation makes us hesitate to do cross-regional and comparative studies. What can we learn from the subnational diversity of India, Brazil, China or Mexico studied comparatively? Can we compare such different countries especially when their internal variation makes easy national-wide descriptions suspect? While difficult to do, I would encourage more crossregional and comparative studies that do not ignore the internal variation within India. 4 Overall, disaggregating the state to its lower levels may not be enough, and this article urges the need for a ʻscaling up framework' as a complementary strategy to scaling down. Such a ʻscaling up framework' must try to craft larger inferential statements about India, while keeping in mind its subnational diversity, the national or global context and the interstate experimentation relevant for the phenomenon under study.